Teamo Supremo

Teamo Supremo

Teamo Supremo is an animated television series created by Disney. Animated in the limited animation style pioneered by Jay Ward, predecessors which inspired its style, it tells of three superhero kids: Captain Crandall, Skate Lad, and Rope Girl. These three protect their state from all sorts of supervillains, such as the evil Baron Blitz, and the shape-changing femme fatale known as Madame Snake.

The series debuted on Disney's One Saturday Morning block on January 19, 2002, where almost all of its first season aired. However, it started regularly airing on Toon Disney in September of that same year, where most of its second season premiered. During spring of 2004, about half of its third season premiered on ABC Kids. In September of that year, it was taken off ABC Kids to make room for Lilo & Stitch: The Series, leaving the rest of the episodes to premiere on Toon Disney. 39 episodes were made, with 75 total stories.

Created By



Original Name

Teamo Supremo

First Air Date

January 19, 2002

Last Air Date

March 14, 2004







Production Companies


Will You Be My Valentine Bandit? / Uncontrollable Goopy Substance!

Will You Be My Valentine Bandit? The Birthday Bandit kidnaps Gov. Kevin's girlfriend, movie starlet Viva Voom. Uncontrollable Goopy Substance! Mr. Vague unleashes a monstrous green goopy substance on the state (hence the episode's title).

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