Revolution 618

Revolution 618

"Everyday modern family experiences and testimonies fueled by the Bible itself."

The Revolution aims to step outside the typical realm of the broadcast Christian genre. Its innovative style of discussion around a table in a peaceful, low lit, comfortable surrounding differs from the pulpit pastor preaching. The topics convey a much different, younger perspective into Christianity and evangelism. The youthful and upbeat personalities allow the hosts to talk to the viewers and not at them. The Revolution intends to fire up emotion in the hearts of its viewers with everyday modern family experiences and testimonies fueled by the Bible itself.



Original Name

Revolution 618

First Air Date

March 1, 2010

Last Air Date

November 15, 2010







Production Companies

Christian Television Network


There is No Reason to Beg When the Refrigerator is FULL

The Lord speaks to Melissa through a dream stating “They are begging me for what freely belongs to them. I love them I want more of them. I want them to reveal themselves to me the (Lord) I want these things from them. I’m giving them their hearts desires but they come and beg love out of me and then walk away feeling worse than they did because they didn’t receive the gift freely. There is No Reason to Beg When the Refrigerator is full. I want to know you love me, but more importantly I you to know I love you the lord said. If you know I love you then you will walk out the love and not beg for it. Receive my love and walk in my love.” The body of Christ has fallen into this place where there is some complacency going on. There has been a walking away from some of the foundational things we’ve learned when we first came to the Lord. Pastor Josh Jamison adds sometimes people beg with their actions like trying to prove to God that they love him. Our service to God doesn’t make him love us anymore or any less he loves us freely and in that confidence of his love were able to serve him according to grace not under self-effort , works, or being a law keeper. Referencing Galatians 4:4-7 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Grace is not where we do whatever we feel like. Grace is where were able to do God’s will. What is it we are trying to get away with in the body of Christ? Are we saying to ourselves its okay to do this because God has granted me full access to the refrigerator? We have freedom and liberty to take whatever we want from the refrigerator, but there are things we deal with and know we aren’t supposed to be doing … like eating a gallon of ice cream or Soda for example before dinner like a child. Children learn, train, and develop knowing right from wrong. As new Christians we know God is developing a son ship in us and a relationship so that we trust each other and are growing together and were learning him. Second Season Finale Directed by Bryan Kreutz.

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