An Clò Mòr

An Clò Mòr

It's make or break time at the Hebridean family run tweed mill.

Created By

Tony Kearney


Returning Series

Original Name

An Clò Mòr

First Air Date

January 2, 2023

Last Air Date

January 8, 2024






English, Gaelic

Production Companies

MG AlbaSolus Productions


BBC Alba


Breugan, bagradh, is bòidean (Lies, Threats and Vows)

It’s the day of Sìleas and Seumas’s vow renewal. But while Sìleas is excited, Seumas seems preoccupied. His son Dòmhnall also has a lot on his mind. Will he be able to reconcile himself to the fact that Ivor is going to be a father? Meanwhile Seumas’s other son Shonnie is missing. So, will Sìleas and Seumas’s ceremony go ahead as planned? ‘S e latha mòr ùrachadh nam bòidean a th’ ann do Sheumas is do Shìleas. Fhad ‘s a Sìleas air bhioran, tha rudeigin a’ cur dragh air Seumas. Tha tòrr cuideachd aig a mhac, Dòmhnall, air aire. An tèid aige air gabhail ris gu bheil Ivor gu bhith na athair? Tha Shonnie, am mac eile aig Seumas, air a dhol a dhìth. An tèid an latha mòr aig Sìleas is Seumas mar bu chòir san earrann mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath?

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