

Disney's The Wuzzles is an animated television series created for Saturday morning television, and was first broadcast on September 14, 1985 on CBS. An idea of Michael Eisner for his new Disney television animation studio. The premise is that the main characters are hybrids of two different animals. The original thirteen episodes ran on CBS for their first run.

With only 13 episodes of The Wuzzles, it was one of the shortest running animated series produced by Disney. One season later, Wuzzles moved to ABC for reruns, and disappeared from network television after that.

Created By

Michael Eisner



Original Name


First Air Date

September 14, 1985

Last Air Date

December 7, 1985










What's Up, Stox?

It's that time again for the annual Funtime Fall Festival. Unfortunately the Wuzzles don't have enough money to buy the costumes they want. After failing to make some money for the costumes, they meet a new resident of Wuz, Tycoon. Did money ever grow on trees? Well, yes! Tycoon had a money tree and a spare seed that he offered to the Wuzzles for all their good stuff. Unfortunately when the seed was planted, every Wuzzle couldn't wait for their turn and started pruning money from the tree until it was bare. Crock manages to find out that Tycoon has a money tree and steals it. Soon after Tycoon offers to give back all the Wuzzles' stuff to help him get back his money tree. The attempt to get the money tree fails and the Wuzzles learn that they were being just as greedy as Crock and that snorses do not sit on whoopee cushions.

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