301 POWs

301 POWs

"The story of the POW who came back from Syria and Egypt"

This series tells the story of the POWs who returned from captivity in Egypt and Syria, cut off from their families, directly to an interrogation facility in Israel, where they underwent harsh interrogations in which they were accused of giving away information to the enemy and even suspected of having defected.

Over 200 fighters were captured by the Egyptians and severely tortured. Another 70 fighters were captured by the Syrians in battles over the Hermon outpost and the Golan Heights outposts. They returned home at the end of the war, but when they returned to their families, they were called to an interrogation facility in Zichron Yaacov.

Today, they are trying to overcome double traumas: the horrors of war, captivity and torture on the one hand, and the interrogations that have taken place here in Israel on the other, and are trying to overcome what they define as "the state's betrayal of them."