See You Yesterday

See You Yesterday

"Going back is the only way forward."

As two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, a tragic police shooting sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past.


June 15, 2019

Just dumb, really dumb. Tonally it is all over the place, one second it's all bright shinny colours with Alan Silvestri style blockbuster score an upbeat tale of can-do genius inventor kids from the inner city, next second it's gritty gangsters and in your face black lives matter genius kids throwing all common sense out the window for hackneyed time travel save the day. And then it just stops. Not in an ambiguous way, just a kind of, hmm what else can we say about white cops shooting black teens for no reason, nothing more, okay let's just wrap it up then.

Dumb, preachy, doesn't follow it's own rules, bad acting, generally lame

Great music though. I can see what they were trying to do, make a genre film for a black audience. The problem is they took a white genre film script and peppered it with culture, instead of writing for an african american audience. So it comes across as looking like either white people trying to appeal to black audiences, or as black people trying to make a film that will promote their culture but still appeal to white people.

Net result is another sub-par Netflix film