Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

The original short film that served as the inspiration for the 1978 feature film.



June 4, 2023

This joins a very exclusive group of films that probably ought never to have been made, but that I am thankful was... Mankind is being eradicated by the all-consuming tomato. Their selfless willingness to sacrifice themselves beneath our feet, against our car windscreens and our windows is as nothing to their determination to turn us all into mush. We must assemble a team of top scientists to devise a cunning strategy to fight back - but how? Whom/what is controlling these ferocious fruit? It's a delicious swipe at "Schlock" and the American news gathering industry; as well as a not irrelevant premonition of the "fake news" environment that some think we now have some 40-odd years later. It's repetitive, the one joke theme wears very thin very quickly, the script is riddled with clumsy innuendo and the acting is, well - if it were a sick pet then you might put it out of it's misery. The theme tune takes some hours to get our of your head and it does still raise the odd smile....