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Not Friends

"Filmmaking is Friend-Making."

A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.


December 4, 2023

i watched the movie again

Thanks to the director who is also the film scriptwriter, the brilliant screenplay has interesting & touching twist and turns and great (sometimes even humourous) dialogue/movie lines.

it is really a great film about joe, the ingenious screenplay gradually reveal how the ordinary but sunny character guy is loved and missed by his friends and deeply by Bokeh around him

The main characters are all acting great. Tithiya shines in her acting as lovely Bokeh in the movie who has deep and subtle feeling for Joe.

Also tributes to the other supporting cast: the movie team, ohm, liew, moms of pae and joe, and the principal in the movie.