Paul Wu

Paul Wu

Paul Wu is a DGA/DGC director based out of Vancouver, Canada.

His career in film spanning almost 3 decades started in front of the camera as an actor and stunt performer before moving behind the camera as a fight choreographer, stunt coordinator and now Director.

He has directed 2 episodes of Quest out West: Wild Food for APTN, Charmed for CBS/CW and the "Wild Things" promo video for the BC Lions.

His ability to choreograph and shoot stylized action while emphasizing character and story garnered him a chance to direct for CBS/CW on "Charmed". His many years as Head of the Stunt Department fostered a collaborative approach with both cast and crew as well as instilling a deep appreciation for strong preparation (PREP).

Paul is looking to direct more episodic TV especially in the genres of Action, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy.